A Daily Routine for A Healthy Body

    How well you eat and drink can have an enormous impact on your health, no matter how old you are or what kinds of health issues you may be dealing with right now. Since our nutrition greatly influences every aspect of our health, it’s vital to take the time to really think about what we’re putting into our bodies each day, which leads us to the topic of today’s blog post: how your daily routine can give insight into your overall nutrition .

Protein Supplements

    Health experts generally agree that consuming enough protein is one of our most important nutrition goals, with enough meaning a bare minimum of 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day (roughly 60-70 grams for most people). Getting enough protein is especially important as we age because it helps keep our muscles strong and healthy (you've probably heard about strength training, which helps maintain muscle mass as we age). But let's face it: getting enough protein through whole foods alone can be tough if you're not eating meat or other animal products. Protein supplements are an easy way to ensure you get what you need each day while keeping your grocery budget reasonable. Supplements like whey and casein powders are a good place to start.

Multi Vitamins

    Depending on your gender, age, lifestyle and fitness goals, you may or may not need a multi-vitamin. Women who are pregnant or trying to conceive might need one to make sure they get all their necessary vitamins and minerals. Other women (and men) should speak with their doctor before consuming a multi-vitamin. Vitamins play an important role in helping our bodies function correctly, but getting too much of certain nutrients can be just as harmful as not getting enough. Make sure you get your recommended intake of vitamins from your diet alone before supplementing with a multi-vitamin.

Water Supplement

    The number of ounces you drink each day is directly related to your overall health and well-being. More importantly, daily water intake also reveals a lot about how you are feeding your body. For example, if you take a look at water consumption over time, there’s an inverse relationship between how much water a person drinks and their weight: those who consume less tend to weigh more and vice versa. This might not seem like much on its own, but when people drastically change their consumption (e.g., they start drinking two or three times as much), it says something about their nutrition habits in general: most of these changes are due to eating or drinking more healthy foods.

Healthy Body Routine Section One - Nutrition

    Most people overlook nutrition as part of their health routine, but it’s important to take care of your body by providing it with adequate nutrients. The two things that we need most are water and fiber, so try to make sure you are drinking enough water (at least 8 glasses a day) and eating some source of fiber every day. Some great sources of fiber include flaxseed (2 tablespoons), oatmeal (1/3 cup), almonds (24 nuts), or beans. In addition to getting your recommended amounts of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, I also recommend eating fruit at every meal. While fruit contains natural sugars, it also has a lot of fiber which helps control your blood sugar levels; plus it’s healthy!

Healthy Body Routine Section Two - Hydration

    The human body is composed of approximately 60% water, but it’s important to drink a lot more than that every day. In fact, most people need to be drinking at least six glasses of water daily. Staying hydrated is essential for many functions in your body, including: It keeps your cells and organs functioning properly;

Healthy Body Routine Section Three - Exercise

    Exercise is vital to a healthy body. Exercise provides us with many health benefits, including building and maintaining muscle mass, increasing our metabolic rate, burning calories and fat, improving blood flow and circulation, reducing stress levels, boosting energy levels and decreasing recovery time from injuries. Many people believe that long workout sessions are best for achieving optimum fitness—but short exercise periods performed on a regular basis can offer just as many benefits. In fact, experts recommend that everyone aim for at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity to maintain good health; however they also recommend breaking up your exercise routine into several 10-15 minute blocks. For example: Riding a bike to work every day could burn over 150 calories in one hour!.

>>>> A newly discovered bizarre tropical fat-dissolving loophole that has NOTHING to do with dieting or exercise... (in fact eating your favorite foods is recommended!)


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