10 tips to boost your mental health

    There are plenty of reasons to focus on your mental health. It doesn’t just improve the quality of your day-to-day life — it can also be an enormous help to your physical health, by helping you avoid stress-related illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. Moreover, it can help you be more productive at work and more effective in other aspects of your life, such as at home or with friends. Here are 10 tips to boost your mental health and improve your overall wellbeing.

1) Have a healthy routine

    You need to eat, drink and sleep well in order for your body and mind to be at their best. A healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits, a moderate amount of physical activity and adequate sleep are crucial for good mental health. Follow a healthy routine that works for you so you can maintain good health no matter what life throws at you. Schedule time every day for both work and play; balance work with time spent relaxing or pursuing other interests such as spending time with friends or loved ones. It’s also important to have a supportive community of family members, friends, coworkers or neighbors around you so they can help keep you motivated when needed.

2) Don’t focus on what you can’t control

    One of the biggest factors affecting your mental health is stress—and, guess what? There’s a lot you can’t control. Maybe your commute is more stressful than it should be or maybe your boss micromanages every task you do. The secret is to not let those things fester; acknowledge that there are some areas in life where you have no power and then shift your focus on what you can control. You may not be able to change these elements, but by looking at them differently, you might be able to find a new perspective and reduce your stress levels in other ways.

3) Get outside in nature

    Spend more time in nature. Whether it’s a hike in a local park or a walk around your neighborhood, time spent outside is incredibly healing. Research has shown that being in natural environments can reduce stress and improve overall mental health. Not only are you spending more time outside, but you’re getting exposure to trees, grasses, flowers and shrubs—all of which contain helpful phytoncides that act as natural antidepressants. Even just twenty minutes of light cardio activity will release feel-good endorphins into your bloodstream and give you some extra energy for tackling tasks at work or home. And if you’re looking for an even bigger mood boost, take an extended lunch break or go for a long weekend hike with friends!

4) Stop comparing yourself to others

    Comparing yourself to others isn’t good for your mental health. Nobody can walk in another person’s shoes, so trying to figure out why you have what they don’t or why they have what you don’t won’t help anyone. You could easily spend hours and hours every day checking out social media, looking for people with more stuff or better lifestyles than yours. When you focus on other people instead of yourself, you can miss important signs that something is wrong, like depression or anxiety. Instead of comparing yourself with others, focus on being happy and healthy—you can do it by making positive lifestyle changes!

5) Be around positive people

    Surround yourself with positive, upbeat people. They will help improve your mood and outlook on life, which in turn will make you feel better. Take note of who they are and what they say to you. If they’re negative or cynical, recognize that it may be contagious and remove yourself from their presence as often as possible. On a daily basis, interact with like-minded individuals who can help lift your spirits and assist you in overcoming challenges.

6) Get enough sleep

    It’s no secret that sleep is important, but many of us don’t get enough of it. The CDC recommends getting seven to nine hours of sleep a night, but research shows nearly 40% of American adults aren’t getting enough shut-eye. Getting a good night’s rest can help protect your mental health, improve alertness and reaction time, boost memory and mood, reduce stress levels, and keep your body healthy overall. Sleep is critical for everyone—not just people with mental health conditions like depression or anxiety—so prioritize your ZZZs. If you have difficulty sleeping at night due to stress or worry about an upcoming event or project, try taking a short nap during the day.

7) Take time out for yourself every day

    Take time for yourself every day. Self-care can be as simple as taking a few moments to go for a walk, do yoga, meditate or practice mindfulness. In addition to giving you a break from stress and worries, these activities can also help reduce pain, ease symptoms of depression and anxiety, and help you get better sleep. If that sounds too indulgent, try taking on some more structured self-care tasks like journaling every day or scheduling regular me time (whether it's going out with friends or just taking an hour to read a book). When you schedule time in your calendar for self-care activities, they won't feel like such a burden—and will become just another part of your daily routine.

8) Exercise regularly

    Regular exercise is one of the simplest ways to boost your mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, which are brain chemicals that have a positive effect on your mood. Regular exercise also gives you time and space to think, helping relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety. And regular workouts may even reduce symptoms of depression by promoting chemical changes in your brain related to mood regulation and support healthy brain function. In fact, people who regularly work out tend to experience less depression than those who don’t—which may be because regular workouts reduce stress hormones that might contribute to depressive symptoms.

9) Schedule time for yourself

    When you spend a lot of time and energy on other people, it’s easy to lose track of your own needs. You need a life outside of work and family commitments. So, schedule time for yourself every day, even if it’s just an hour at night or a quick walk in between appointments during your lunch break. Make sure you have time to relax so that you can be at your best when dealing with others. And if that time is being used up by social media and cat videos—well, then it might be time for some tough love! Try signing out every evening or turning off notifications until you can come back later that day. The internet will still be there when you get back—and so will all those cat videos!

10) Take care of yourself physically

    Research has shown that when people feel physically healthy, they’re also more likely to feel mentally healthy. Maintaining a regular exercise routine is one of the best ways to keep your body and mind in tip-top shape. If you don’t have time for at least 30 minutes of cardio activity, three days a week, get up from your desk and walk around during work breaks instead—it will still help improve your health. In addition, make sure you’re sleeping enough—seven hours each night. When it comes to self-care, sleep is key! It not only gives your brain and body a chance to recover from a long day but it also prevents stress from building up over time.

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